
Taiwan medical team arrive in quake region

時間:2010-04-19 13:34   來源:SRC-956


A twenty-member medical team from Taiwan has arrived in Xining, capital city of Qinghai province. The team is ready to provide treatment to people injured in Wednesday's Yushu quake.

The medical team, bringing more than 1000 kilograms of medicine and equipment, arrived at the Cao-jia-pu airport in Xining on Sunday night. The team will work with mainland doctors... to treat more than 70 injured people at the No.1 People's Hospital in Xining.

The team's 20 medical staff consist of mainly surgeons and public health workers. All of them have first-aid experience in earthquake and flood rescue missions. Some of them were also part of rescue and medical efforts in 2008 during the Wenchuan earthquake.

A group of medical staff members from Taiwan Red Cross have their photo taken before boarding at the Taoyuan International Airport in Taoyuan, southeast China's Taiwan province for quake-hit Yushu county, April 18, 2010. A medical team of Taiwan Red Cross leaves Taipei heading for quake-hit Qinghai Province on Sunday to assist relief work and is expected to arrive at Qinghai's capital city Xining in the evening. (Xinhua)
A group of medical staff members from Taiwan Red Cross have their photo taken before
boarding at the Taoyuan International Airport in Taoyuan, southeast China's Taiwan
province for quake-hit Yushu county, April 18, 2010. A medical team of Taiwan Red
Cross leaves Taipei heading for quake-hit Qinghai Province on Sunday to assist
relief work and is expected to arrive at Qinghai's capital city Xining in the evening.




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