
Mainland to slash cross-Strait airfares

時間:2010-06-22 09:42   來源:SRC-7437

The Chinese mainland and Taiwanese aviation authorities have decided to slash cross-Strait airfares by 10 to 15 percent to boost tourism, Li Jiaxiang, director of the General Administration of Civil Aviation, said Sunday.

The Chinese mainland and Taiwanese aviation authorities have decided to slash

cross-Strait airfares by 10 to 15 percent to boost tourism.

In another move boosting cross-Strait tourism, mainland authorities will build four new airports and renovate four others in the West Strait Economic District -- a mainland region close to Taiwan covering 21 cities and several southeast provinces -- Li said at the weeklong second Straits Forum being held in the mainland's southeastern coastal city of Xiamen.

Li also said cross-Strait flight numbers will be increased to 420 times per week from the current 380 times per week.




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