First non-government Straits Forum to be held

時間:2009-05-13 14:40   來源:Xinhua

BEIJING, May 13-- Officials from Xiamen Customs Office said on Monday they have been preparing for the arrival of more than 8,000 Taiwanese compatriots for the coming "2009 Straits Forum".

Custom officials able to speak the Minnan dialect, have been transferred ready to receive Minna speaking Taiwanese, for most of whom this wil be their first visit to the mainland.

The week-long forum, scheduled to open on May 15, is the first non-governmental gathering for economic and cultural exchanges between people from both sides of the Straits.

"We have arranged a dedicated passage for those Taiwanese compatriots to go through customs, and officials speaking with Minnan dialect would be available to provide assistance if necessary," said Zhang Huican, an official from Xiamen Customs.




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